COnsulting and WOrkshop EXAMPLES


Creative Spark workshops

2-3 hour events to build team creativity, iteration, collaboration, and innovative spirit

Capability BUilding

1-3 day workshops to develop specific and ongoing skill sets around innovation practice


  1. -2-hour Creativity Workshop for a major pharma company as part of a product development team off-site

  2. -3-hour sessions on Alternative Generation for the product planning group of a major biotech company

  3. -30-90 min. creativity exercises derived from Stanford’s Design Program


  1. -2-1/2 day course for cross-industry and cross-functional professionals on Strategic Innovation

  2. -3 day course on facilitative and collaborative leadership for consulting professionals

  3. -1-day workshop on Creativity Tools for  front-end Strategy Development for a large pharma company

issue-based problem-solving

1-2 week projects to identify, explore or innovate around a targeted growth opportunity

innovation projects

Longer-term projects with deep-dive customer need exploration, option generation, iteration, and business impact analysis


  1. -7 day cross-functional workshop with a medical device company ti re-examine their core business and growth opportunities

  2. -2 3-day sessions with a major pharma company using War Games to identify threats and areas for growth

  3. -Series of workshops on innovation opportunities for a healthcare data/analytics company


  1. -Therapy-area exploration for a major pharma company on adjacent area opportunities given strengths and competitive dynamics

  2. -Expanded product development roadmap for a biotech molecule with multiple potential targets

  3. -Strategic expansion into product and services beyond current Rx footprint for major european pharma business

Please contact me if you would like to bring more innovation to your strategic or growth objectives:  or  650.906.6032