Accelerating business growth


Do you have growth areas you want to explore? Competitors you’d like to move ahead of? New products you’d like to identify or markets you want to enter?

Even with the best analysis and execution, if you can't create game-changing new ideas you’ll never get ahead of the pack.



I worked with a cross-functional team at a global health tech and medical devices company to identify product and growth opportunities and build a case for innovation investments

>>  6 options were identified, and funding raised to create a new innovation incubator within the company


I led a project for an international generics company to explore options for use of their drug delivery technology with new products and market

>>   Multiple diseases and geographies were explored for risk and opportunity; specific manufacturing partners were identified within a single focused market and in 2 disease areas


In a forecasting class at Stanford, we explored the question, “When will a human marry a robot?” to identify critical drivers relating to the advancement of robotics and artificial intelligence

>>   Projects uncovered prospects in technology development, critical roles in public policy, and a range of short- and long-term corporate growth opportunities

Image of Jimmy Fallon by Peter Wang via Wired

ADDITIONAL BUSINESS GROWTH EXPERIENCE: I emphasize creation of interesting and strategic alternatives, before following through with analysis and buy-in;  I am an expert facilitator across functional teams and corporate politics, able to leverage your unique strengths

- 10+ years as a Management Consultant with Strategic Decisions Group and IMS Health, working on business strategy and portfolio analytics projects

- Focus on growth and innovation strategy for both large and small companies, including new business models, product development, and partnering strategies

- Director of Innovation for IMS Health, leading creation of a health data integration platform and commercialization plans across multiple industry sectors

- Founder of Samson-McCann, products “for kids and those who want to be”

- Instructor for Forecasting for Innovators, graduate class in the Design Division at Stanford University

- Instructor for Strategic Innovation, executive education classes at Stanford University and client-based workshops